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更新时间:2021-02-08 20:16:09 浏览次数:276次
区域: 南充 > 南部
价格:1 元

Silver originated in the 15th century, began to cast in Europe, commonly known as "foreign money", "lace money" or "ocean", is the general name of silver coin. Silver is an imported commodity. It first entered China, probably in the Ming Dynasty, but entered in large quantities after the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty. There are silver COINS on the market, such as three sails silver, bamboo silver, and gansu Yuan Dazhang silver. Among them, the most widely spread, the most influential and the most surviving breed of silver coin is yuan Shikai's head silver coin, commonly known as "Yuan's big head silver dollar".


"Yuan Big head" is a common name for the engraving of yuan Shikai's profile head in the early Years of the Republic of China. Because its first cast in the republic of China three years, also called "min SAN", such nickname has a long history. As the bellwether of the silver COINS of the Republic warlord, "Big Head" series is not strange to coin collectors. The birth of the "Yuan Big head" silver dollar is also the inevitable result of the development of silver dollar. After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan shikai issued silver COINS in order to solve the military expenditure and improve his personal political status. These silver COINS were named after the image of his side.
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